Our News

Annual Report 2023-2024
Welcome to our Annual Report to Tenants 2024. The report’s purpose is to inform you of our activities and performance over the last year (2023-24). The report summarises our work and performance. If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us

New lease of life for former Allerdale Council land
Colleagues from Cumberland Council today attended the opening of six new bungalows built by Westfield Housing Association on land gifted by the former Allerdale District Council. The bungalows, completed in June 2024 on the old welfare site in Workington, will provide affordable and suitable housing for the over 55s and those with mobility issues. The homes will allow them to access versatile accommodation that can adapt to changing circumstances, therefore allowing the tenants to live in their local community for longer.
Read Article "New lease of life for former Allerdale Council land"

TSM report 2024
The Regulator of Social Housing requires all registered providers to generate and report Tenant Satisfaction Measures as part of the new Customer Standards framework. All social housing providers in England must collect data on a new set of tenant satisfaction measures (TSMs). These are part of a new system developed by the Regulator of Social Housing to assess how well social housing landlords are doing to provide good quality homes and services. The measures are aimed at helping improve standards for people living in social housing by: • Providing visibility, letting tenants see how well their landlord is doing. And enabling tenants to hold their landlords to account • Giving the Regulator insight into which landlords might need to improve things for their tenants The TSMs are designed to see how well landlords are keeping properties in good repair, maintaining building safety, engaging respectfully and helpfully, effectively handling complaints, and managing the neighbourhood responsibly. Here are our TSM results for 2023/24

Westfield welcomes a new CEO
Introduction from Helena Evans

Stock Condition Survey - Update
We have now completed the stock condition survey project. Thank you to everyone who gave access to the surveyors. We are now analysing the data to inform our future stock investment programme. For those properties they were unable to survey, remaining surveys will be completed by members of our Maintenance Team. Staff will contact tenants directly to arrange mutually convenient appointment times. If you have any questions about this, please contact us on 01900 602906 or email enquiries@westfieldha.org.uk

Plans to improve the energy efficiency of Westfield homes
With the current cost of living crisis making your home warmer and less costly to heat is a priority for us. We are currently developing plans for improving the energy efficiency of all our homes and will provide more details in the new year. UP DATE COMING NEXT WEEK
Read Article "Plans to improve the energy efficiency of Westfield homes"

House Mark Star Survey
We are inviting our tenants to take part in a STAR survey. Tenants have a central role in shaping our services.  One of the ways we do this is by asking for feedback through our Survey of Tenants and Residents (STAR). Please click on the title to take part in our Survey.

New Gas Servicing & Maintenance Contract
Following a tender process in late February/March AFM Gas Services Ltd have been appointed as our new Gas Servicing and Maintenance contractor. AFM will replace Sure Maintenance. The new contract commences on Monday 27th March 2023. Under the contract AFM will carry out all annual gas and solid fuel servicing’s, gas responsive repairs (both in and out of hours) and some heating system replacement/installation works. From 5.00pm on Friday 24th March, tenants will no longer be able to contact Sure Maintenance direct and any repairs relating to heating or hot water should be reported to us via our tenant’s portal, emailing repairs@westfieldha.org.uk or by phone on 01900 602906. We are confident that AFM will provide an excellent service and ensure homes are safe. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Damp & Mould
There has been a lot of coverage in the media recently regarding damp and mould issues in rented homes and the failure of landlords to tackle the problem. There has been a particularly harrowing case of a young child’s death linked to living in a damp home and other cases of tenants living in unacceptable conditions.