The attached table shows our performance in key areas of the service as at the end of March 2024. Please note as follows:
• The ‘Current Performance compared to others’ column shows our performance compared to other small associations in the North-West of England (our peer group). Upper quartile shows the performance figure for the best 25% of associations, median for the next 50% of associations and lower quartile the figure for the lowest performing 25% of associations. We have highlighted the quartile applicable to our current performance. Where no quartile is highlighted, this is because the information is not collected for other associations performance.
• The colouring on the ‘Current Performance’ column at the end of the table indicates as follows:
- Green: Performance is meeting or better than our target for this year
- Red: Performance is not meeting the target for this year.
We hope that the information is clear and useful. If you have any comments or feedback, please contact us, including any information you would like for other areas of the service.
You can also take a look at our Annual Report. The reports purpose is to inform you of our activities and performance over the last year (2022-23) Our Annual Report 2023-24 will be available to view in September 2024.
We hope that you find the report useful and informative and that it gives you a clear picture of what and how we are doing.
Alongside these attachments you will be able to view our Annual Accounts (2022-23) Annual Accounts for 2023-24 will be available to view in September.
and our Value for Money Summery Statement.
Our performance
Our Performance 2022-23
Title | File Size | |
Current Performance 2023 24 | 121KB |