As part of its responsibility to existing tenants, the Association accepts transfer applicants onto its waiting list and such applicants are considered for all suitable accommodation where there is a housing need.
With regard to racial and other harassment, wherever possible, efforts will be made to resolve the situation without transferring the victim as detailed in our Anti-Social Behaviour Policy and Procedure. The Association will seek to move the perpetrator of any harassment rather than the victim. In serious cases of harassment, eviction of the perpetrator will be considered.
Only in exceptional circumstances will a tenant with rent arrears or with any other debt to the Association, or with a suspended possession order against their current tenancy, be included onto the offers list of applicants for consideration for a vacant property. Such cases may be;
- The debt arose due to the customer’s vulnerability.
- The customer has suffered financial hardship as a result of welfare reform.
Transfer applicants included on the offers list for an allocation will receive a home visit and be advised of any repairs or re-decorations which need to be carried out before they can be granted a new tenancy. Such works will relate to the tenant’s obligations in respect of internal decorations and repairs as detailed in the tenancy agreement. In addition, the Association may withhold consent to a transfer because the tenant has failed to fulfil any other obligation or requirement of the tenancy agreement