Damp & Mould

There has been a lot of coverage in the media recently regarding damp and mould issues in rented homes and the failure of landlords to tackle the problem. There has been a particularly harrowing case of a young child’s death linked to living in a damp home and other cases of tenants living in unacceptable conditions.

Damp And Mould

  • 5 Jan 2023
  • News

We are very aware of our responsibilities in this area and for ensuring that our homes are decent, high-quality and free from damp. We are just completing a condition survey of all homes which will provide much better and up to date information on property condition, including any damp issues. At this point we are not aware of any extensive problems, but we should be able to confirm this as an accurate picture once the survey has been completed and the results analysed. Any issues that do come to light will be dealt with as a priority and with the necessary urgency. Over the next few weeks, we will be agreeing what else we need to do to ensure that we are aware of any issues and that the responses we make to any problems are appropriate and effective.

If you do have any problems with damp and/or mould or any other serious repair issue in your home, then please report this to us. If you have reported a matter previously, but still have an issue or have been unhappy with the response made then please contact our Operations Manager, Debbie Fox, to discuss this. Debbie can be contacted via our main contact number which is 01900 602906.