Customer Panel
The Customer Panel was set up in early 2022 and currently has seven members. The Panel has been established with the purpose of representing tenants and ensuring that tenant views are properly considered in decisions being made about our homes and services.
The Panel meets regularly with staff. Typical business includes:
- Reviewing customer-facing policies
- Considering performance and service delivery and discussing potential improvements
- Looking in more depth at particular services (e.g. repairs and maintenance)
- Considering applications to Westfields Neighbourhood Investment Fund (the fund looks to support local community projects and activities)
- Reviewing the Local Offer to tenants and monitoring that the offer is being met.
In the last year the Panel has been building its relationship with Westfield’s Board. Regular reports of Panel business are now made to the Board and Panel members can request items for discussion at Board meetings. Members can attend Board meetings on request and contribute to Board discussions on matters of interest. Earlier this year a Panel member attended a Board meeting looking at the Business Plan and future priorities.
Panel members also attend other resident meetings, community events and walkabouts on the Westfield estate. Via these meetings, events etc. members can speak with other tenants and residents, getting feedback on the service, areas of concern etc. Feedback is also received via the survey results considered as part of the performance information presented to Panel meetings.
The Panel meets 4-6 times each year. Minutes of these meetings are published on this website. Panel members welcome feedback on any matters that have been discussed, or on any matters of concern. Currently feedback can be provided via Westfield staff. Later this year a more direct contact with the Panel should be in place.
The Panel is keen to recruit more members and develop as a truly representative body for tenants. If you would be interested in joining, or would like further information, please speak to a member of staff.