Our Allocations process
Application can be complete on our under the find a home tab. If applicants do not have access to the website a housing application can be posted out on request.
Following the receipt of a fully completed application form and assuming all necessary and appropriate information has been provided, the housing need of the applicant is assessed, and a Priority Category awarded:
A Priority Homeless Nominations
B Medium Need
C Low Need
This is designed to ensure that the most urgent cases receive priority consideration in the allocation of a tenancy.
The Association is determined to avoid giving “false hope” to applicants. We will, therefore, inform those applicants with low housing need when they have no realistic chance of being assisted. This will usually happen where an applicant is seeking a home in an area where demand for our houses is very high.
Existing or previous tenants may be asked to provide a reference from their current or previous landlord. Where an applicant has not held a tenancy, a character reference may be requested from a professional person who has known them for at least two years. Where an applicant cannot provide a reference, information may be sought from other agencies through the information sharing protocol, providing it is within General Data Protection Regulations.
Where an applicant indicates that they have an unspent criminal conviction, further information will be sought about the offence from the applicant, and possibly from the police. Information gained will not automatically result in the applicant’s exclusion but will be used to make an informed decision about any offer of a property.
Where a applicant indicates they have outstanding arrears or recharges with another landlord, confirmation will be required from that landlord regarding the amount outstanding and details of any arrangements in place to reduce the amount.
The Association aims to notify applicants of acceptance onto the waiting list within 14 days of the receipt of the application form, although this cannot be guaranteed when further information has to be sought.
All rejected or cancelled applications are retained for 28 days pending an appeal against the decision. Applicants have 28 days from the date on the decision letter to appeal against a banding or eligibility decision. Such appeals should be directed to the Operations Manager. A further appeal may be made to the Chief Executive, and thereafter, to the Board.
The Association has a detailed Complaints Procedure which is detailed on their Application acceptance /refusal letter, a copy is also available on request or on our website or the link below. This procedure should be used if an applicant is dissatisfied with the service or responses given.