Other housing options
If you are looking for housing there are a few options available to you:
You can complete an application form to join our waiting list. Our application form is available for completion on-line and for those who don’t have access online a paper format is available by calling the office on 01900 602906 or emailing enquiries@westfieldha.org.uk. if you need help completing the form please speak to a member of staff who will be more than happy to assist.
You can register with Cumbria Choice the local choice based lettings scheme. Cumbria Choice is a platform for several Cumbria based social landlords to advertise their available property. Once you register online you will receive confirmation of your registration and will be able to 'bid' (express an interest) in properties advertised through the scheme. Please note that Westfield is not currently a member of Cumbria Choice. More information is available on the Cumbria Choice website www.cumbriachoice.org.uk.
If you are homeless now, or in danger of losing your accommodation, contact the Housing Options team at Cumberland Council on:
Tel - 01900 702660
Email - Homelessness1@cumberland.gov.uk
Emergency out of office hours, call 0300 373 3730
The Housing options team may be able to advise you over the telephone. However, if the situation requires more detailed advice you may need an appointment to see a Housing Options Officer.
Private renting may be another option to consider. Most estate agents advertise properties to rent. The housing options team also maintain a list of private landlords in the area.
Find out more about how the housing options team can help you by clicking here.
Please ask a member of staff if you need this information in large print or braille.