Our Development programme

Windsor Rd Garage Site

2022 seen the start of our development programme.  We started to building new bungalows on the Westfield Estate for rent to applicants over 55 and / or residents with medical and physical needs. The Developments were split into 2 Phases.  

Phase 1)  Started on site in January 2023 and completed in Autumn 2023

  • 17 Bungalows consisting of x16 two bed bungalows and x1 one bed bungalow on the Westfield estate 

Phase 2)  Scheduled to start on site Summer 2024 (subject to planning permission) which a predicted completion date late Spring 2025

  • 7 Bungalows which will all be two bed bungalows on the Westfield estate 

Westfield also took ownership of eight houses on the Whins View estate High Harrington, a Story Homes development.   These properties include x4 three-bedroom and x4 two-bedroom houses.  All eight properties were completed in April 2024.  

If you would like to be considered for any of our future developments please complete an application form on our website or contact us and ask for an application form to be posted out to your address.  Please be reminded that bungalows are allocated on medical need so if you have a medical need for a bungalow please ensure to let us have the evidence of this to accompany your application.   Please see the attached updates for further information. 

 /Development update May 2024 1.pdf

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